Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Well, I made it through another year. I've really got to buckle down and start looking for a job. Currently I have a contract job for 1 month baby-sitting an empty store. It's not too bad, I get let into the store at 10:00 am and then someone comes back at 6:00 pm to lock the store up. The store is empty except for a few tables and chairs. I basically tell people that the store has moved and point them to the nearest sister store. I have 8 hours to myself, there's electricity in the store, but no heat, so I dress appropriately. Thank God that the store is located in Mt View, because Google has free WiFi in that area, so I'm able to log in and use the web.
I bring my laptop and browse the web and work on bettering myself programming CSS. There are a few more projects that I want to work on while I'm in the store. My aim is to complete a lot of loose projects that I have started and have not completed.
Hope everyone has a good year!!

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