Saturday, May 26, 2007

The Princess' 1st doll

This last week, Miss Irelan received her first doll from her mother. True to form, Irelan did what she normally does to her toys, toss it around to make sure that it's sturdy. Eventually she realized that it doesn't roll or bounce so she was more gentle with it.
As usual pictures are enclosed.

"Oh crystal ball, what does my future hold."

"Yes ladies, you just must come over and see my new doll!"

"All right kid, it's just you and me against the world"

For those of us that know Irelan, this is a familiar pose. On the ground, she doesn't crawl but rather scoots around on her two hands and one knee.

This picture shows some of Irelan's toys in our living room. Pretty much it's setup as a play room and a quarter of the room is filled with Irelan's toys

Monday, May 07, 2007

The Princess will have lunch in the terrace..

This past weekend we had Irelan and it was warm outside; so we decided to feed her under our porch umbrella. She pretty much devoured the carrots as evidenced by the photos below. She is getting very close to walking and when that happens, look out, she is one active little baby.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

First 2 weeks....

Well my first 2 weeks on my new job are behind me. I am definitely in a learning type of mode. There's a lot to take in but my boss is great. She is very patient and, so far, isn't to bothered that she has to repeat instructions to me. The people are great and a fun place to work.

Last week I was going to visit the San Francisco office so that I can meet the employees there. The trip would have been great if I didn't get lost. I googled a map and thought I was set.......not. The map was accurate to an extent. I missed one turn and got put way of sync. San Francisco is not an easy place to maneuver. There are many one way streets as I found out the hard way. I turned on a street trying to get back to a point where I knew was correct and ended up on a one way street going the other way. I tried to back up to get out, but the traffic behind me wouldn't let me get in and the traffic that was coming towards me let me know that I may have made a mistake turning onto this road and that maybe I should go back to grammar school and learn how to read. Oh well, and I know this, next time bring a map. It is way to easy to rely on technology to guide you through life.