On Thursday morning I woke up ready to go to Napa for a photo shoot, but at the last minute, I decided to go to Yosemite. I read a message from one of my user groups that Yosemite was blooming with fall colors. I packed up my stuff and headed off at 4:00 am. I arrived in Yosemite at about 7:00 am and yes there were some nice fall colors but I was expecting more. So, being the professional that I am - not, I decided to shoot what I had available. I met another shooter who lives in Yosemite and he pointed me to some good areas. Also, there is some major road work being done in Yosemite and the road to the village is blocked off. You had two options, walk or take a shuttle. I didn't think that I would have to go to the village because I brought everything that i needed - wrong. In the middle of my shoot, I changed cameras and went to my 35mm Pentax and to my horror, I discovered that the battery was dead. Someone forgot to turn the camera off when they put it away - duh. I did bring extra batteries but they were for my Olympus digital camera. I parked the van on the side of the road and took a hike to the village store. I have to believe that the gods that were watching me from above were having some fun with me, and they were'nt finished. I arrived at the store and as fate would have it, they had every battery ever made except for mine. I figure I better cut my losses and head home, which I did.
I did get some nice shots but maybe in a week or more, the colors will bloom out more. I may or maynot come back, we'll see. I still want to shoot in Napa, maybe next week I'll go.
Moral of this story, don't assume you have everything packed, double check.
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