I posted pictures taken from my small canon camera. I didn't post pictures taken by my better digital camera because I forgot to take the adapter needed to extract the files, duh.
Some street scenes in Downtown Chicago:

The school were Sofia is learning to be the next TV chef personality. I can't wait for her to open up her first restaurant because I already put in dibs to be the official food taster.

That's Sofia, next to the water fountain.

This is the restaurant that Sofia works before school. It is called the "Frontera Fresca" located on the 7th floor in Macy's. Oh by the way, it is owned by Rick Bayless and he was there when I took this picture. He was eating at a table on the floor with acouple of people.

The following pictures are of Millennium Park, located near Lake Shore Drive and opened up in July, 2004. I took a lot more pictures of the park with my other camera, but of course I forgot my adapter so no good pictures. I will try to post them in the near future.