For Irelan's 1st birthday, I created a photo time line of her 1st year. I first created a spreadsheet which listed the day she was born to her 1st birthday. In between those 2 days I dived it by 52 weeks. 1 week each from her birth date to her 1st birthday. In between those 52 weeks I put in the dates that created the week. I then created 52 directories in my computer and started putting her pictures in each of the directory weeks. It makes it really easy when you can sort pictures by camera create date. I then did some photoshop work and created a template, 8x10 inches 300dpi which is what a Frontier printer at Longs prints and then started adding pictures to each template and labeling it for the work week being worked on. I'm sorry if I can't express it correctly but the picture below is one of the birthday pages. I basically had 52 pages with a cover and bound together. Everyone at the party seemed to like it.

The Party!
The party was a great time. One of Irelan's old friend ,Maddie ,stopped by and the both of them caught up on old times. There were quite a few people there and plenty, and I do mean plenty, of food to eat. Below are some pictures of my favorite 2 princesses.